Synopsis Obsessive CEO’s Sinful Wife Novel by Lil’ Bamboo

Lil’ Bamboo is the author of Obsessive CEO’s Sinful Wife Novel. This novel is in Billionaire genre, has been read by many people, and has a pretty good rating. For those of you who want to read it in full, you can install the GoodNovel application. The novel has gained immense popularity and received praise from a wide audience.

Synopsis Obsessive CEO’s Sinful Wife Novel

The fiancee of the wealthiest man in the city, Jackson Valor, had died. The perpetrator of the car accident that killed her, Serenity Lewis, was sentenced to three years in prison.

After her release from prison, Serenity unexpectedly gets entangled with Jackson.Serenity knelt on the ground as she pleaded, “Jackson, please spare me.”Jackson simply smiled and replied, “Woman, I’ll never let you off.”

Rumors have it that Jackson was a cold-hearted man, but he fell in love with a former inmate who was working as a sanitation worker.

However, when the truth about the car accident three years ago surfaced, it destroyed all of Serenity’s love for Jackson, and she ran from his side.

Years later, Jackson knelt before her as he said, “As long as you return to my side, Serenity, anything is possible.”

Serenity coldly looked at him and spat out, “Then go to hell.”

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Description Novels

Title Obsessive CEO’s Sinful Wife
Author Lil’ Bamboo
Publisher GoodNovel
Genre Romance
Language English
Other Works

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