Synopsis In Love With The Hot CEO Novel by Tula

Tula is the author of In Love With The Hot CEO Novel. This novel is in the Romance genre, has been read by many people, and has a pretty good rating. For those of you who want to read it in full, you can install the GoodNovel application. The novel has gained immense popularity and received praise from a wide audience.

Synopsis In Love With The Hot CEO Novel

Celine Nelson approached a stranger in a bar to sl*ep with as revenge for her husband cheating on her with his secretary. She thought that it would only be a one n*ght stand but she ended up getting married to the man. Jared Walker had a beef with her husband and in order to revenge this he forced Celine whom he had been stalking to divorce her husband.

“Celine Nelson, I want you to divorcé your husband and marry me instead. I will pay you 10 million dollars. I know you need the money” Jared muttered without any hesitation. “Alright I accept, but you are going to give me some time to get the divorce.”

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Description Novels

Title In Love With The Hot CEO
Author Tula
Publisher GoodNovel
Genre Romance
Subtitle English
Other Works My Adorable Twins And Their Daddy, He Stole My Heart, and Met My Love By Chance

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